In the days since I began writing about React, I’ve noticed a common pattern: the more I learn, the more things I see that are missing from the React community.

React and the JavaScript ecosystem are great.

But they’ve been missing features that I feel are essential for a modern web development platform: a clear and consistent API for building, testing, and deploying apps, and a way to write React apps without having to write all the boilerplate code that’s become so common in the past decade. 

React is amazing.

It’s great for building modern apps, but it’s not good for building apps that actually scale to millions of users.

React is great for web development, but not good enough for the kind of app that you’d want to build with it.

React has a lot of things that you can build great apps on, but that don’t scale to billions of users (or even a handful of users at a time). 

What to do If you’re starting out with React, here are some things you can do to make sure your app works well: Get the latest versions of React.

This means getting the latest version of React and all its components. 

Get a dev environment.

If you don’t already have a dev-environment setup, it’s a good idea to set up one for your project and use it to develop your app.

Dev-environments are really cool, and I’ve written about them at length in the React docs. 

Learn how to build React apps using React Router.

This is the best way to get React working on the dev-shell of your dev-computer, and it has some awesome demos of how to use React Router with your dev environment, such as the React Router example at CodePen. 

Use Babel for your front-end code.

Babel is an amazing front-compiler that lets you write JSX in the browser.

It can compile JavaScript to ES5 and ES6 and even ES7, which makes it easier to write complex ES6 code.

It also makes it easy to write JS with ES2015.

You can get a copy of Babel for free from the official React GitHub repo. 

Read more about Babel. 

Install Babel plugins.

I’ve found that I often need to write some pretty heavy JSX to make the front-ends of my apps work.

You’ll probably want to do this yourself (and you can probably write it in JavaScript).

Babel also lets you use a handful or more of Babel plugins to build out your front end in React.

Babel plugins let you write more complex JSX, like when you write a custom form for your app, or a plugin to create custom DOM elements, or something like that. 

Be consistent with your code.

React doesn’t have a strict syntax.

For example, you can write JavaScript code like this: if (myForm === “valid” && myUser === “foo” && === myForm.value) { = myForm; } You can do more complex things with this code, but if you do, you’ll get errors.

It makes things more readable, but you can get stuck. 

Keep your app simple.

It takes more effort to write and maintain complex front-and-end JSX code in React than it does to write simple JSX that’s easy to understand.

This may be true for your specific project, but React doesn, too.

You need to be consistent, but don’t forget that this means that your code needs to be readable, readable, and readable. 

If you’re just starting out, I’d suggest starting with a small React app.

I think it’s possible to learn React in a day, but as you get better at the language, you’re going to be able to build larger and larger React apps.

But I’d strongly recommend that you go with smaller and smaller projects until you get used to the conventions and conventions you’re used to in other languages. 

You’ll find React in npm packages in npm and npm-cli . 

If React doesn’st make sense for you, don’t be discouraged.

React isn’t perfect.

There are plenty of things React doesn’t do well that I would still love to see in a modern, modern, future React app: It’s not easy to use for developers with limited experience.

You may find it confusing and hard to understand the API for React components.

There’s a lot going on in your frontend, so you’ll often find that the frontend is not very clear or intuitive.

You won’t have access to a ton of features, such a Redux-like library, and your code won’t scale as well as in a standard web development app.

You might also have a lot more work to do to learn how to code in other technologies.

You’re going up against an existing framework.

This isn’t a bad thing.

You could use React in your own projects and still build